Friday, October 25, 2013

DIPS Vehicle ,Pressure Tank, Pool Closed

Replacement for Public Safety 

Patrol Vehicle arrives.

The all-terrain Kabota RTV900XTG-A: diesel powered 4 wheel drive vehicle is an all-in-one public safety rescue vehicle. 

The Kabota is kitted out with equipment needed to affect a rescue most areas on the island including areas where our ambulance and jeep could not go.

As this is the island's patrol vehicle it is available at all times to respond immediately to an emergency without the time delaying need of having to go get the ambulance or truck.

The Island's existing Jeep patrol vehicle was unable to be repaired any longer and had to be replaced.


Ryan Auker, Robert Fischer and Paul Conover replace the compressor on the pressure tank for the Utility Company.

The compressor failed after many years of service. Its function is to inject a constant flow of pressurized air into the adjacent tank to assist in maintaining water pressure to the island and prevent water hammers. 


It must be fall .
The pool is closed.


A reminder
In consideration of your fellow members.
The POA has a policy that no golf cart should remain at the front dock beyond three days.

 Could you please arrange for your golf carts that are staying longer than that to be removed to your house or to the parking areas behind the landings building.

Thank you for your help in this matter.

Friday, October 18, 2013

New Ferry report from Florida

Tripp & I have been in Port Pierce Florida this week getting the new ferry approved & ready for transport to Charleston.

Tuesday Mike Wyatt the owner of Sea Hawk Boats worked with us to complete the boat.

Wednesday the builder oriented Tripp and I on the boat's systems and sea-trialed the boat.

Dewees Breeze passed her sea-trials gustily.

Breeze accepted on behalf of the Dewees Community

Thursday we spent the day with the US Coast Guard who approved the vessel's loading and stability for 14 passengers and 2 crew

During the stability test the USCG attempted to tip the boat over by loading water filled 55 gallon drums on one side of the boat weighing 3460 pounds ( 16 passengers)
They did not succeed.

Friday - the boat is on the truck en route to Charleston.SC.

It will take 3 weeks before we receive all the final paper work needed to Certify the boat from Coast Guard Miami Group and Charleston.

Then you can enjoy the 

Dewees Breeze.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Recycling,Trash & Eagles

To improve customer experience staff have adjusted the positioning of the trash and recycling dumpsters.

They are now located 50 feet back from their original position in the open field.

We have also cleaned, picked up and tidied the surrounding area of wildlife created debris .The goal is to have a green space in front of the dumpsters.

Always inventive, in an effort to save the cost of a barge run, the staff brought over an empty trash dumpster in the skiff this week.

 Please complement the staff on the excellent job they did in assisting in the replacement of the pole on the Eagles nest .

Thanks also to Lori Sheridan Wilson for masterminding this project, the Dewees Island Conservancy for funding it ,and Judy Drew Fairchild for her assistance in documenting it.