Friday, December 20, 2013

Staff Christmas 2013 & Other Happenings

Dewees Staff wish to thank David and Barbara McIntyre for inviting them to their home for coffee to celebrate the Holidays.

Staff would also like to say 

"A Great Big Thank You"

 to all those who donated to the Staff Holiday Fund.

Each year many of the staff rely on this fund for help with gifts and travel costs for their family. Your help is very much appreciated and contributes greatly to staff moral.

Public Safety Department

The DIPSD participated in one successful helicopter evacuation of a resident  as well as did several training exercises with the Roper Hospital Helicopter in the past month.

On December 11 Ferry crew Wesley and DIPSD worked together to put out a small potentially serious electrical fire in the railing of the Dewees front dock . Thank you to residents Emilie and Brian Hatch for raising the alarm.

Roadside Brush Removal

All island staff have restarted the major overgrown brush removal project on the island we worked on last year. We are attempting to finish clearing all 5 miles of overgrown brush from the Utility and POA road easements by the summer season next year. We are currently working on Old House Lane.

Progress Continues on the Skiff

Ryan & Robert recently painted environmentally appropriate bottom paint on the boat subsequent to its repair.

Fire-safety & Back Flow Prevention Inspections

Chief Randy Snipes and Ryan Auker completed inspections during October. Reports are now in and will be mailed to the home owners when administration time allows.


  Christmas Day

From Isle Of Palms 

Every Hour (dependent on demand)

8.00 am to 10.00 pm  includes 1.00 pm. 


New Years Eve

From Isle Of Palms 

Every Hour (dependent on demand)

7.00 am to Midnight  includes 1.00 pm.


New Years Day

From Isle Of Palms 

Every Hour (dependent on demand)

8.00 am to 10.00 pm. includes 1.00 pm.


 I will take this opportunity to wish you all very happy holidays

All the Best ,


Mr.Kim Knight
General Manager

Dewees Island POA Inc. &
Dewees Utility Corporation
273 Old House Lane
Dewees Island, SC 29451-9408
