Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Dewees Roads

I know road conditions are of great concern  to all.
 Fortunately it looks like we have several days of good weather. We need at least three days of dry weather before grading conditions are best. We are starting a little early, but we are grading today and will continue to do so through the end of the week as necessary. 

 The staff and I  have strategized daily on ways of improving the  state of our roads during this rainy time.We have tried repeatedly to get them in good shape, but each time our work is ruined by the rains. We grade and soon after it rains before our work has a chance to compact, turning the roads to pot holes and mud.Be assured we will continue to work on the roads while conditions are favorable until they are the best  we can get them considering our resources. 


Mr.Kim Knight
General Manager



Dewees Island POA Inc. &
Dewees Utility Corporation
273 Old House Lane
Dewees Island, SC 29451-9408


Toll Free & Fax: 800-693-4876
email: kknight@deweesislandpoa.org

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