Friday, January 10, 2014


Temperatures Plummet into the Teens

Intrepid Dewees Staff take the conditions in stride. 



Captain Rick & Crew Tim insulated against the cold. Keep the Ferry on schedule.


 7.00 am Robert Fischer (POA Maintenance) reports ready for action /work.

Yes, that is ice on the shore.



Paul & Ryan , Dewees Utility repair a water main leak on Dewees Inlet

 Robert & Fire Chief Randy Snipes replace shattered water lines at Dewees front dock

A number of Homes on Dewees suffered broken water inlet lines from two days of freezing temperatures.

 To prevent water loss the Utility has turned off the water to the homes affected and informed the owner.

Home Owners are encouraged to call your maintenance person to check your home for potential leaks.  

Its currently 58 degrees and Sunny on Dewees

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