Friday, January 31, 2014

Neither ice nor sleet nor snow nor gloom of night stays the Dewees Staff from the completion of their appointed rounds.

January 2014 has proved to be a challenging month for Dewees Owners and Staff.

Frigid winter weather periodically throughout the month created unusual opportunities for staff.

Winter hardened Northerner Ryan teaches Robert the finer points of ice and snow removal on Dewees IOP docks.

Staff risk icy roads to get the ferry going and report to work early Thursday morning after the day and a half Charleston ice storm shutdown.

A special commendation goes to Fire Chief Randy Snipes and fireman Kevin  Cordell who rode out the storm on Dewees.

They cleared downed trees from the roads for fire truck and owner access. Also kept buildings and ramps accessible.

Most importantly roads were cleared  for that most intrepid of Deweesians the Wednesday morning Ladies Round Table Group who were undaunted by the storm and met during icy , sleeting conditions at the Huyler House for coffee and tea.


The Dewees Breeze electronic gear shift mechanism failed last week causing us to use the 6 passenger 25 ft.Parker.Thanks to quick action by Tripp Hannah POA Port Captain a new under warranty mechanism was installed and the ferry was back in service in two days. 

The Dewees Islander is in the boat yard for the Coast Guard annual inspection , engine replacement,bottom paint and miscellaneous repairs.We have been delayed in our work because of the unseasonable weather, but expect the boat to return to service next week .

Dewees Lady Sold

1.27.2014 a truck picked up the Lady to transport her to the new owner in Maryland. Thus ends the history for Dewees of a much maligned but stalwart craft.

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